Saturday, July 31, 2010

Bad Idea #45: August 1, 2010

Youtube may be one of the greatest inventions known to man. Though, when you are trying to get work done, youtube can be a pretty bad idea. This is "Youtube can be a bad idea depending on the situation: Installment 1."

We were talking about lollipops the other day at camp. This happens. There are children around, and to get them to do something you want them to do, you may or may not bribe them with lollipops that you may or may not have any intention of following through with. We have all done this, perhaps. Anyway, it reminded me of an old commercial for Charms Blowpops from when I was little.

So of course I went home and looked it up, because I seemed to be the only one that remembered this particular advertisement, and needed confirmation that I was not making it up. I stumbled upon a TREASURE CHEST of awesome 90's commercials, thanks in large part to the related videos suggestions on

It is my firm belief that most things geared toward children hit their ALL TIME PEAK IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD in the late 80's/early 90's. Even marketing strategy.

Check these out:

I wanted to buy every single variety of Barbie doll ever made ALONG with all of the accessories and things that Barbie needed to maintain a high standard of living between the ages of zero and 9. The commercial looks SO enticing, does it not? The house just folds right out, and Barbie moves just like a real girl throughout her dream home. It was not a toy. It was a piece of well crafted art. But so is the commercial. Those adorable children were no doubt switched out when it came time to shoot Barbie up close, the director opting instead for professional Barbie handlers to guide her perfect, plastic body through the commercial, providing kids like ME with the illusion that Barbie would be this graceful and fun to hangout with when I owned her, too. Not the case, but I STILL had a blast with her for every moment of our precious time together. Now little girls choose half-dressed Bratz dolls, which are really just slut training devices invented by middle aged men. But I won't get started on that. I've already made my point.

Charms Blowpops:

And here is the commercial. The one I'd bee searching for. Full of kids that I, the everyday child, could easily relate to, just hanging out on a colorful, artistically put together set enjoying some blowpops. Lollipops seem to be a rudimentary element to having fun after viewing this commercial.

Zebra Fruit Stripe Gum:

This gum was SO awesome. I believe they still sell it, but there is no advertising space left for it on television. Man. When I got a pack of Zebra Fruit Stripe gum, it was like the sun was smiling down on me. I had the world in my hands, and everyone that wanted a piece was at my mercy. Power. That's what gum is all about.


This commercial is like a full episode of Sesame St. or Eureka's Castle crammed into the space of about a minute. WHO WOULD NOT WANT a hamburger happy meal after this? I mean, a guy was willing to STEAL to get his hands on them. And then, when Ronald gets them back, he is so happy that he is willing to overlook his buddy's theft and just give him one to share the love. Yes. That is what it is all about. They MUST be AMAZING.

Blue Packaged Gummy Bears that no longer exist:
I don't understand why this particular brand was discontinued, because I loved them. I played with them more than consumed them, because I opened the pack and established a deep personal relationship with each one before we began our gummy bear playtime adventures.

"Fun to play with- not to eat."
I beg to differ. Slightly tangy. Very delicious. And if you put it on a "play" ice cream cone, you can't tell preschool children not to eat it. It makes no sense.

Soon to cover 90's television, pop music, clothing, and any other nineties gold that I can get my hands on.


1 comment:

  1. Can I be a guest blogger for some of these 90's nostalgia posts?!? I'm thinking something about the best cartoons of our childhood (obviously My Little Pony and Sky Dancers are at the top of this list...) :)
